Category Archives: Inspire Me

Come Hell Or High Water


I would venture, that there are not many of us, if any, who have now and again failed to hear the echoes of hurt from days gone by.

And in those moments, we feel alone like a ship lost and adrift, aimlessly cast about by the cruelty of the powerful sea of life.

Then just as suddenly as the storm rose up, comes our miracle, a small voice from within our womanly souls, reminding us of our will… free will.

The will to hold on. The will to survive. The will to stand up and to keep on.

Knowing that I am, you are, we all are, each our own captain, capable of chartering our own course, to arrive at the destination of our choosing.

At times our journey will be long.

Now and again, stormy seas will most certainly toss us.

Our ship might get banged.

We might be called upon to slay a monster of the deep.

Our deck might need scrubbed.

We might even spring a leak and need repairing.

But despite it all, we will remember that we are women and as such, we are masterful navigators.

We are weather resistant, just look at all we have weathered.

We have come too far to turn around now.

So, come hell or high water or echoes of hurt, let us always move forward on our journey to healing, hope, and happiness.